Member Benefits & Registration

The programs employed by BIAs bring life and vitality to a business district. Your BIA advocates for you to City Hall on issues of common concern, like property tax rates, parking, street maintenance and signage. Your BIA can reduce your costs through collective marketing and promotion, while bringing increased customers to the benefit of all businesses through the creation of district-wide programs, events and festivals. Business specific advertising, street enhancements, visitor way-finding signs and street maps, public art, along with large events, will make The Shipyards District Lower Lonsdale a greater go-to destination for locals and visitors.

Your free membership with our organization will offer a number of points of engagement to support your existing marketing initiatives. As a licensed business or commercial property owner in the Lower Lonsdale boundaries, you are eligible for no-cost membership in the BIA Society, but you must be registered in order to have a vote at the Annual General Meeting on plans, budgets, and elections.

Associate Memberships are now also available for businesses East of St. George’s, South of 2nd, North of Esplanade and West of St. Patrick’s Ave! See above for more details.
Associate Members may join for a yearly fee of $350 (full Members within the boundaries are already eligible with no additional cost)

NEW for 2024 – Associate Memberships are now also available for businesses East of St. George’s, South of 2nd, North of Esplanade and West of St. Patrick’s Ave! See above for more details.
Associate Members may join for a yearly fee of $350 (full Members within the boundaries are already eligible with no additional cost). Learn more.